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Author of Life
Pastor Judy was our guest preacher for the Third Sunday in Eastertide as we continue to worship via Zoom.
Chin Up. Shoulders Squared. Hold Their Gaze
Pastor Judy was our guest preacher for the Fifth Sunday in Lent as we continue to worship via Zoom.
A Letter to the Church: Velda Love
The next in our series "Letters to the Church" in which we hear from people across the tradition. Rev. Dr. Velda Love is the minister for racial justice in the…
A Letter to the Church: Judy Peterson
"All of these people died never having received what was promised. And yet they died in hope, not in cynicism. They knew that God was building something--there was a city…
A Letter to the Church: Karen Gonzalez
"The work of justice is not a's actually a relay race. I have my part to do, but I'm not responsible for the entire thing. In fact, the entire…
A Letter to the Church: Alexia Salvatierra
"[T]hat's always what Jesus is like. You run in...everybody else is running out, and you run in. But really there's no place to run away to, right? There's no real…
A Letter to the Church: Mari Andrew
"I'm always on the search to make everything I do a bit more meaningful. And I think that ritual really just infuses life with meaning. It's like the cheat code…
A Letter to the Church: Phillis Sheppard
"This is not the time for the church—or for us individually—to throw in the towel. This is the time for us to show up, probably more than we ever have before."