Worship isn’t something we do each Sunday – it’s what we are training ourselves to do in all areas of our lives. As people living out the unfolding story of God, worship is central to our life together. Worship allows us to bring our full selves – our joy and sorrow, our praise and lament, our faith and doubt – before a God who is always seeking our good.
At ResCov, we believe that the traditions of the ancient and diverse church are important, so we hear each week from scripture (often from the lectionary), celebrate weekly communion, follow the rhythms of the church year, and often use hymns, songs, and spirituals from our spiritual forebears. Yet, we also believe that traditions need to be brought into conversation with our present day lives and re-formed or discarded when they have become damaging or oppressive. Because the Spirit is still working, we also use diverse and contemporary liturgies, songs, and prayers that speak to our diverse and contemporary world. Finally, while we do have structure, our liturgy is on the casual and informal end, so you are welcome just as you are.

Sundays at 10:30am
- Parents Room available for those with infants
- Staffed toddler room available (ages 18 months to 3 years)
- Children and Youth Formation during service (ages 3 to 11 years)